
How Can Leaders of Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Use LinkedIn Effectively?

If ever a tool was created for small and medium-sized business (SMB) marketing, social media would have to be it. It’s like bananas and peanut butter: They’re great separately but, combined, they complement each other.

Relatively inexpensive as well as easy to set up and access, leaders of SMBs need only to devote time and energy to enhancing their returns on investment. If you’re not already making the most of social media, you’re in the minority. An impressive 94% of business-to-business (B2B) marketers use their accounts for marketing. LinkedIn is perfect for owners of SMBs because it is a business-oriented social media platform.

In fact, LinkedIn is the third-most-popular social media site. Unlike other platforms, the audience is already primed for business topics and efforts with 128 million U.S. users and 106 million unique visitors every month. B2B marketers can rest assured they will have access to many people open to their messages.

? Using LinkedIn

edinStatistics show that every Fortune 500 company is on LinkedIn in some way. Most have a company page presence and use their networks to promote their brand and communicate with potential job candidates. Certainly, leaders of SMBs can do this as well, but LinkedIn offers the opportunity to get more up close and personal with an audience. Here, owners of SMBs can establish themselves as experts.

Begin by creating a company page that not only puts your brand out there but also helps you get noticed and allows you to build credibility. Then, connect with your audience: Leverage your network of connections and invite people to follow your company page. Build your community by providing relevant content via posts and publishing as well as engaging with target audience members.

? Maintain your process to progress

Deciding to use social media for marketing purposes isn’t a quick decision. You can’t just flip it on like a switch and make it work. Thought and effort are vital to success, especially for owners of SMBs. Unlike large corporations, leaders of SMBs aren’t limited by constraints over content approval and posting speed, so use this to your advantage.

  • Monitor — Spend at least five to 10 minutes every day checking your network activity. Comment on updates your connections share, or post relevant updates about your industry. Your participation increases your visibility, and you want to be seen as an active presence on the site.
  • Share — Utilize the publishing tool to create at least one item per week. Many owners of SMBs share press releases with information such as new store openings, presentations, or speaking engagements. More than 80% of B2B marketers promote new product or service launches.
  • Present — On LinkedIn, business owners establish themselves as thought leaders by crafting original, worthwhile content. Growing your following has everything to do with the relevance of your content. Be sure to do your research: Create target audience profiles and speak directly to their needs and wants in your publications.

When you establish yourself as source of information for your audience, it can feed into your sales funnel. In fact, 63% of marketers report positive sales cycle results when engaging on LinkedIn. Over time, potential customers are likely to recognize you as an expert resource. As relationships develop, you can even convert these readers into clients. This process is never a “one and done” project. It is important to devote time to consistently connecting and engaging your audience to make the most of your efforts.
[cta]If you’re ready to use LinkedIn to increase your bottom line, it might be time to call in an expert. Contact me, Mark McIntosh, RevGrow CEO and founder, at 972-998-5132 or schedule a meeting with me at I’ll be happy to explain how I can help you.[/cta]
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