Once just a social network for professionals to connect with one another, LinkedIn has grown into so much more. Today, it’s where professionals share and read content, expand their networks, and grow their brands among many other activities. Simply put, LinkedIn is a dominant content vehicle within an online space where users take content seriously.
In this guide, I answer some of the most frequently asked questions about content marketing on LinkedIn, which can help you reach out to a targeted audience and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.
1. How is LinkedIn different from other content vehicles?
As a social network, many differences separate LinkedIn from other social media sites. For starters, it’s not a place to laugh at viral memes, gossip, or share selfies.
This distinction is especially important when devising a LinkedIn content marketing strategy. The content you share and messages you send should be business-oriented. But more important, they should be relevant to your niche if you want it to reach your target audience.
2. What should you share or post?
Although there are technically no hard-and-fast rules about the kind of content to share on LinkedIn, company decision-makers note six out of every 10 LinkedIn users are interested in industry insights.
This creates opportunities for you to use the data you obtain through research and development, which you can share via case studies and white papers that offer solutions to your audience’s problems. Your content is not only original but also based on proprietary information, which makes it easier for you to demonstrate your expertise.
3. How often should you post on LinkedIn?
The key is posting as often as you can without compromising quality. Focus on consistency. If you can create valuable high-quality content daily, go ahead! But if your time and resources only allow for two to three content assets a week, stick to that frequency.
Just remember not to spam your audience with inane updates and boring content. Quality is better than quantity, especially on LinkedIn.
4. What should my calls to action say?

There’s nothing fundamentally different about LinkedIn calls to action (CTAs), but I recommend you build CTAs not just into your content but also on your profile itself. Invite readers to connect with you or request access to assets only you can offer — special reports or charts, perhaps.
Always be clear and direct on LinkedIn. The site’s users have no time for guessing games, so don’t leave them wondering what you have to offer.
LinkedIn is no longer just a place to connect; it’s a network for professionals to show off their expertise and demonstrate their value to their audiences. Through LinkedIn, you can engage a targeted audience more efficiently, as the site eliminates the problem of locating like-minded professionals. This gives you more time to work on creating valuable and engaging content.
If you need tips for getting your LinkedIn content marketing campaign off the ground, let me help you. Contact me, Mark McIntosh, RevGrow CEO and founder, today by calling 972-998-5132 or schedule a meeting with me at www.ScheduleACallWithMark.com.
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