To leverage the social selling aspect of your lead generation platform, you will want to find a balanced content mix. A content mix includes a variety of the type of content you share as well as a good blend of curated and company owned content.
Curated Content and Your Lead Generation Platform
There are many reasons why curated content is a part of effective lead generation strategies. Just some of the reasons include:
- It helps you establish your role as thought leader
- You can become a valued resource by showing people other valuable resources
- You make sure to provide the resources your prospects are looking for
- You don’t have a lot of company generated content to share
When you don’t have a lot of company generated content to share, curated content helps you to start offering valuable resources to your prospects. Your network won’t think less of you if you only share other people’s content. Instead, this will reinforce the concept that you are an expert in your field and other experts support your opinions.

It also helps you to follow the 80/20 rule that states 80% of your content should help and engage your audience. This means you should keep your promotion material down to 20% of the content you share.
Here at RevGrow, we have been able to successfully create a lead generation platform by using 100% curated content. One of our clients, Tony hadn’t really shared content before creating his LinkedIn lead generation platform. Therefore, starting with 3rd party curated content was the best way for him to begin showing value to his network. Sharing this content on a regular basis also helped to create visibility within his network. This strategy helped increase his Social Selling Index from 25 to 63 in only eight weeks.
LinkedIn Content Marketing and Your Lead Generation Platform
If you do have company content to share, you need to create a LinkedIn content marketing strategy that offers the type of content your prospects are looking for. This often means adding curated content and company content as part of your lead generation platform.
Another client, Dale, had a lot of company generated content to share. Combining this corporate material with 3rd party content helped to provide Dale’s target audience with content that they were looking for on a consistent basis. Dale was able to stay top of mind with several people in his network. The right content mix also helped him to become a thought leader in his industry.
If your company already posts on a variety of marketing channels you don’t have to always reinvent the wheel. Our client Fred’s firm posts on a variety of marketing channels. For his LinkedIn B2B lead generation strategy, our company re-purposed some of this content. This helped to drive more views to his LinkedIn profile as well as his website. He was able to generate 40 leads and two new clients in three months with this LinkedIn content marketing strategy, leading to the possibility of even bigger opportunities.
The Right Content Mix for Your Lead Generation Platform
So what is the right content mix for an effective lead generation strategy? There is no easy answer, as it often depends on your prospects and target market. Sometimes you may need to alter your LinkedIn content marketing strategy until you find the right mix for your audience. Once you find the right mix you can then make it a part of your lead generation platform.
For one of our clients, Rob we found that testing a variety of content was necessary before creating the right mix of original and 3rd party curated content to keep him top of mind. The extra work was worth it, however. Views of his content increased from an average of 400 to 1800 per post. He also receives an average of 12 new leads every month.
When you understand your prospect and the goals for your lead generation platform, it makes it easier to find a balanced content mix. LinkedIn content marketing plays a vital part of this content mix, but you can’t neglect curated content. Effective lead generation strategies will sometimes take testing to develop. That extra work, however will pay off with a more effective lead generation platform.
Do you struggle finding the right content mix for your lead generation platform? Are you looking for a way to generate consistent leads for May and June? Schedule a call with one of our team today to learn more about our effective lead generation platform.